
Is Noom App Worth the Hype? My Personal Experience

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Noom is an app that wants to help you with your weight. It's not just about diets and exercise; it uses clever ideas about how our minds work to keep you on track. Let's explore this app together.

Who Should Get the Noom App?

Get the app if:

  • You want to have a better relationship with food.
  • You're okay with reading about how your mind affects your eating.
  • You're ready to finish one lesson before starting the next.

Don't get the app if:

  • You want tips for general fitness, not just weight loss.
  • You already eat pretty healthy.
  • You're looking for something cheaper.

Noom's History

Noom started in 2008 by Artem Petakov and Saeju Jeong. Over 10 million people have used it, and they seem to like it, giving it high ratings on app stores.

Noom Basics

Noom app is free to download, but you'll need to pay for most of the good stuff after signing up. They might offer a free trial sometimes.

Noom Weight Loss Program



Noom wants to teach you how to eat better and make it stick. They offer tools like:

  • Ways to track what you eat and do each day.
  • Short lessons every day.
  • Coaches to help you.
  • Tracking Your Food

Noom doesn't say some foods are good and others bad. Instead, it helps you make smarter choices. You can see which foods fill you up without giving you too many calories. They use colors to show this, like:

  • "Green foods" are great, like veggies, fruits, and whole grains.
  • "Yellow foods" are okay, like lean meats and beans.
  • "Red foods" are not so great, like fatty meats and processed stuff.

Noom doesn't ban any foods, but it helps you find a balance.

Daily Lessons

Noom gives you quick lessons every day. They're interesting and don't take long. These lessons help you understand why you eat the way you do.

Personal Coaches

You can chat with coaches who know their stuff. They're there when you need them, every day.

Subscription Plans

No free trials, but they might give you one as a special deal. You have to take their quiz to know the cost. It can be $59 a month, but it could change.

Final Thoughts

Noom is a weight loss app that provides daily reminders to help you stay on track. It offers insights into your eating habits and provides guidance on how to improve them. Rather than advocating for a specific diet, Noom promotes balance. It also provides one-on-one coaching and support whenever you need it. Noom's mission is to help you learn and make healthy choices.

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